The last story download
The last story download

This project is NOT “official” or produced or sanctioned by Nintendo. This project wants to rely on fair use as this project do not contains The game was developed by Mistwalker e AQ Interactive The Last Story is a registered trademark by Nintendo, Some GUI textures were retexured by hands.Zangurak was retexured (each “stage” was covered).Cleaned General Ashtar, Sir Therious, City guards and Horace clothes.Reworked main character faces and hairs(Zael,Callista,Syrenne,Yurick,Mirania,Lowell,Dagran,Theriuos,Ashatar,Horace) are now upscaled to 8x.Many other textures with upscaling artifacts have been cleaned.Lazulis city floor textures cleaned and upscaled(added bump effect where needed).

the last story download the last story download

HD armor textures moved to an optional pack.Introduced half size bc3 pack for slow pc and tegra x1/x1+ devices.More Lazilus city floor/wall textures clenead/retexured.

The last story download