Have a purpose for gravel! (convert it to ammo for paint gun).
*NEW* In-game config editing (Text API mod menu), open chat and press F2 to begin.
Right-side GUI for target info (using TextAPI, it's optional).
Easily replace color/skin/both on the entire ship in creative mode/creative tools with Shift+R.
Hide skins from this mod's palette by editing the config (either the config file or ingame by opening chat and press F2).
Color+skin picking from other blocks and players (their selected color and skin for building, not their suit color and skin) using Shift+LG for the mode or Shift+RMB for instantly picking from aimed target.
Block aiming works like welder + aim at harder to reach blocks by moving closer while aiming down sights (RMB).
Fast color/skin switching using mouse scroll/shift+scroll.